Quality of life Committee

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The new quality of life committee for the residents of Le Castel was formed on September 5th. Under the sponsorship of the AQDR (Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées) who came to assist us in this initiative, we welcome 11 elected residents to represent various quality of life committees. These projects involve the welcoming of new residents, the coordination and management of our library, consultation for quality of life projects which concerns lodging, and consultation regarding food service. This committee will work with the interdisciplinary team of Le Castel, and has for mission to maintain the quality of life and the development of inter-generational relationship of the residents. 

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45 Horsfall
Saint-Lambert, Quebec
J4P 3R9

Phone : +(1) 450-671-8241
Fax : +(1) 450-671-6665
Email : info@lecastel.ca