

10-24-2016 in

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Les chats-en

10-11-2016 in

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Happy thanksgiving to all

10-09-2016 in
Happy thanksgiving to all !

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10-06-2016 in

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08-21-2016 in

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12-05-2014 in Leisure

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11-19-2014 in Leisure

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11-18-2014 in Leisure

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11-07-2014 in Leisure

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10-24-2014 in Leisure

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Quality of life Committee

in Leisure
The new quality of life committee for the residents of Le Castel was formed on September 5th. Under the sponsorship of the AQDR (Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées) who came to assist us in this initiative, we welcome 11 elected residents to…

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Véloduo at Le Castel

09-24-2014 in Leisure
This summer, residents benefited from a free service from Véloduo. This egg-shaped bike, long and wide enough to carry two passengers at a time, was very popular to our residents. Some made reservations to go do their errands, others took the opportunity to go stroll around. There are some who would…

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We are never too prepared at Le Castel!

09-24-2014 in Leisure
We are never too prepared at Le Castel. If there would be a fire – hoping that it won't happen – our residents know just what to do. During the months of June, July and August, our residents have done individual fire security preparation exercises. What does that mean? Each resident was visited…

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Virtual games are starting to gain popularity at Le Castel!

08-26-2014 in Leisure
The residents are playing with the Wii!!! Golf, bowling, and table tennis are the first games that the residents have participated in. It's not always easy to work the remote, but with some (or many) tries, they get the hang of it. Virtual games are not easy for many. There are those who take pleasure…

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A word of our recreationist

08-26-2014 in Leisure
Since I arrived at Le Castel, almost 3 months ago, I can say that I finally know the name of all the residents! There are some names that I was able to remember the day that I met them and others that I have learned while having various interactions with them. I'm a recreation therapist here, and…

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45 Horsfall
Saint-Lambert, Quebec
J4P 3R9

Phone : +(1) 450-671-8241
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