A word of our recreationist

2 08-26-2014 in Leisure

Since I arrived at Le Castel, almost 3 months ago, I can say that I finally know the name of all the residents! There are some names that I was able to remember the day that I met them and others that I have learned while having various interactions with them. I’m a recreation therapist here, and my role is to ensure that there are a variety of activities that will be of interest to the residents, while being stimulating and occupying part of their day.

Le Castel is located near the village of Saint-Lambert, so residents can easily go strolling on their own, and run their errands during the nice weather. In the evening, the residents are accustomed to meet to participate in an activity. I quickly learned that the residents take the activity hour seriously and are looking forward to it! They enjoy participating in games, and socializing with each other. Those who participate in the activities are often the same, but they're having fun. New comers are always welcomed with open arms. There is good friendly competition during games of sand bags, horseshoes, mini golf, bocce, and more. Scores are kept during each game, which encourages residents to do their best. I often hear resident’s say to one another during games: "She’s is good! She never loses".

Bingo is something else! The competition in this game of luck is very particular. A new person cannot afford to sit where they would like... no! Everyone has their specific seating place!

Many would say that I do not work with residents at Le Castel, but that I "play" with them! Sometimes play is work!


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45 Horsfall
Saint-Lambert, Quebec
J4P 3R9

Phone : +(1) 450-671-8241
Fax : +(1) 450-671-6665
Email : info@lecastel.ca